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Geometry Dash TAS Hub

This is a collection of GD TAS runs. You can click the table headers to sort. Click on macro to get more information.
Macros not from the latest update are probably broken, but kept here for history.
Please DO NOT run these on the actual levels, make a copy/use safe mode so your time doesn't save on the leaderboard.

Page 1 (showing 1-15 of 98)
Level TAS Time ▴ TASer Difficulty Update
Permafrost Peaks8.179ShadowyZephyrNo Victors (ILL)2.204
YiiK A PostAlbertRPG9.275FuyuExtreme Demon2.204
VENUS9.562FuyuExtreme Demon2.204
Sunken Pier9.9FuyuExtreme Demon2.204
Infinity Trial10.445searExtreme Demon2.204
Black Spot10.658AibyouExtreme Demon2.204
Square keys11.287ShadowyZephyrNormal2.204
Bimba y Lola13.058ShadowyZephyrHarder2.2
Wendys Revenge13.795FuyuExtreme Demon2.204
Tetris in GD13.979ShadowyZephyrHarder2.204
Black Lotus13.991LucaGEMDExtreme Demon2.204
Ruined13.887FuyuNo Victors (ILL)2.204
Candy Crush buff14.412FuyuNo Victors (ILL)2.204
Exception14.616FuyuHumanly Impossible (PPPLL)2.204


Owner: ShadowyZephyr ('shadowyzephyr' on discord)

Bot Creators: kepe (yBot), Absolllute (Mega Hack Replay)

TAS Contributors: ezmna59, zetex, watersquarez, Toster, alex, NotBelugaFan, Vinsterplayz, Vibri, sear, C00L, Fuyu, dudodo, Zettaminx, LucaGEMD, noob


This website is made for TAS runs, not showcases. Showcases are meant to model how a human might play a level, and show it off in a straightforward way. TAS runs need a superhuman (or close to superhuman) level of play, and they save time wherever possible to create an "almost perfect" completion. For a run to be added here, it must fulfill these criteria:

The run must have a working macro file in either .ybot or .gdr format. A video is preferred, but not recommended.


What is TAS?

Basically, using botting tools trying to push GD levels to their theoretical limit in order to create a hypothetical speedrun that goes as fast as possible, and/or does otherwise humanly impossible tricks. See Wikipedia for more info.

Why are classic levels here?

Many classic levels have big timesaves in the run due to skipping speed portals or just cool tricks to show off, and there is a subgroup of the GD speedrunning community that runs these levels.

Why not convert all the replays to both bots?

Because kepe, the creator of ybot, made the ybot to plaintext converter (which I need to convert from ybot to gdr) an exe program you have to run, I can't convert on the website via code. I have to do each macro manually, which takes a long time. I'm not willing to go through 60 old macros and convert them all at the moment, so if you want just one converted, just DM me (shadowyzephyr on discord) and I'll see if I can do it that day.

A macro I downloaded broke, why?

Here are some reasons this could happen:

Why can't I get the infobox for macros on mobile?

Just because of the way I made the website. I'll probably fix this later.

I want you/a contributor to make a TAS of a level, how can I request one?

If you want me to TAS a level, either DM me on discord (shadowyzephyr) or request one here. If you're looking for macros of levels, you may want to join the GD TAS, Mega Hack, yBot, or Macro Sharing Plaza servers.

How do I create a Geometry Dash TAS?

First, you will need to choose a bot. xdbot is free (requires Geode), but can't be used for true platformer TAS runs because the frame fix option changes the physics of the game. It's still a good option for estimating the time of a level, though. The other two bots, yBot and MegaHack, each cost money, and have different pros/cons.

yBot MegaHack Replay
  • Most accurate (almost 100% accuracy)
  • Has Show Trajectory and autoclicker in the pro version.
  • Automatically saves recording while you're making it
  • Unstable, prone to crashing (crashes a lot more if you don't have 4gb patch)
  • Doesn't show precise X/Y position and velocity
  • Doesn't work with Geode/MegaHack
  • Doesn't handle RNG/random triggers (you need to make a copy of the level and edit the triggers yourself)
  • SFX is disabled (if you have both you can record in ybot, convert to megahack and replay it there to get around this)
  • Shows precise X/Y position, velocity, and has the option to show triggers
  • Integrated with Geode and MegaHack
  • Open .gdr and .gdr.json format
  • Handles RNG/random triggers
  • Requires manual saving of recorded macros
  • Macros often break, especially on harder levels
  • Has some bugs that make it more annoying to bot with

Alex has a good tutorial on TAS (he is using ybot) here.

If you're worried about the SFX being disabled for playing regular GD, you can install ybot on a separate GD executable. Here's how to do this:

1. Copy your Geometry Dash folder from C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common into another directory, like Desktop.
2. In that folder, rename the application GeometryDash.exe to something else.
3. Add a file in the new GD folder called "steam_appid.txt" with the content just being the number '322170'. (no quotes, no period)
4. Install yBot (or whatever you want) in that folder.

Some GD TAS tips:

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